Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to School

This has been the longest week of my life; at least it feels like that. Why is it that I first set foot in that room in early August - more that 3 weeks ago - and I’ve been working my *## off for the last week to get it finished?  I must admit that I’ve worked harder at getting ready for the beginning of this school year more  than I have for any other year in a long time.  I had become complacent and almost stagnant just doing what we had done the year before because that’s what “they” do.  I knew the routines and the curriculum; I knew the 5th graders well enough to anticipate their next move and keep ahead of them (most of the time) and, if all else fails, I’ve spent enough time on stage and can ad lib ‘til lunch. 

But this is different: these kids are ... well, kids.  They are still sweet.  They haven’t turned to the dark side yet.  I still have a chance with them - I’ve pulled out all my puppets and hats, stuffed animals have been strategically placed around the room, kid-friendly Disco music is on the CD, and my personalized Garfield posters are on the door. All is good! What could go wrong?

Don’t answer that.

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