Friday, August 10, 2012

My Son's Day

I spent the whole day out shopping with my teenage son.  We had a great time, lots of laughter and joking around. Of course, we were shopping for him, and we started with video games.  Still, it was a good day. This was one of those days where I didn’t worry about me and just focused on him.

You know how it is - every day there is something that slaps me in the face and demands some piece of me. Sometimes it’s my job; sometimes it’s my husband; and most of the time it’s food. It’s times like that when I get so wrapped up in my own life and my own problems that I forget that there are other people living around me.

So that was the way it was today. We drove all over town in search of the evasive collectibles, dropped in for a short visit with family, saw lots of slug bugs, indulged in fast food, and purchased the oddest-looking pair of shoes I’ve ever seen. All the while we talked - not like mom talking to son, but person talking to person. It was cool. I like my son. He’s a cool guy. I would like him even if he wasn’t my son.

I done gooood!!!

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