Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Feed Me!
When did that happen?
It wasn’t that long ago that I can remember when the morning routine was a simple one. I usually woke to the sounds of anxious meows wanting breakfast. That was followed by a quick shower, throwing on something clean and heading out the door. Most of the time I skipped breakfast, I could usually find “something” when I got to work.           
But now, all that’s changed and I can’t for the life of me figure out when this happened. I just woke up one day and realized everything is different now. Okay, not everything, I still wake up and go to work, but it’s a much slower and more painful process than it use to be. Now I wake to the sounds of air pumps and creaking bones.  The quick showers have slowed tremendously so as to insure complete coverage and stability. (We want no mishaps on those slippery surfaces.) My closet is full of stuff, but I can never find anything to wear. I’ve had this body my whole life. Why do I keep buying clothes that make it look dumpy? I eventually prevail. After all, the clothes don’t make the man. I never skip breakfast anymore. Most of the time it’s a very simple one: banana, yogurt, orange juice, yada, yada, yada.... because if I don’t eat something before I take my morning pills, I will never make it through the morning.  You see! There you go. Morning pills. That implies evening pills. Which in turn implies, “OMG Nelly! When did you get so old?”

Mom had this blue plastic tub that she kept all her pills in. It was a little bigger than a shoe box but it was stuffed with ever thing all her doctors had prescribed for her. Once a week she took out her little tub and fill up her Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Bedtime Pill Case. So many pills, so many times, how did she remember it all.  My mom was smart, a genius. She wrote it down and carried a copy with her so when she was at a doctors office she would know what she was taking.

Mom's gone now and I don't have a little blue box but I feel like I'm getting there. Do you ever just stop and wonder how you got where you are?  I just honestly don't remember getting older. I mean the 60's were good but the 70's sucked.

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