Friday, July 27, 2012


All summer I have had a long mental list of things I wanted to accomplish before I went back to work. Well, August is just around the corner, and my classroom is calling my name; I can feel it tugging me in to set it up. As much as I want to put off the beginning of another school year, I know it’s inevitable.

It is this unaccomplished list that’s got me in a tizzy. Sometimes I get so mad at myself for my obvious, inherent and abundant talent for procrastination.

There are some of the things on the list that I knew might not get done, mostly because they required my son to participate. He’s sixteen - need I say more? That’s okay, it’s his education. Ultimately, he is the one who is going to have to live with the results.

However, most of the problems lie directly with me and no one else. I am, if anything, a master of self-talk; I can lay in bed before I get up and plan the perfect day: Start with breakfast and a little Facebook time, followed by work in the garage, a nice lunch with hubby, craft time, and a light dinner, 30 min. evening walk and maybe some mindless TV before bed. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Yea!  If it happened that way. What really happens is: breakfast and Facebook/ computer stuff till around 11:30, some kind of lunch thing, I usually can’t get back on the computer because the teenager has it by then, so I go for the DVR and take a nap, wake up, watch a little more, get frustrated, confiscate computer till dinner, back to mindless TV, and finish up the evening with one more round of Facebook. 

Wow, it really looks bad when I see it written out like that. I’ve gotta fix this!                       

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