Friday, July 13, 2012

Yikes! Part 2

“If you want different results, do something different.”  


So why do most of us ignore common sense and keep trying to make past failures into successes?
This was the question I ask yesterday that started me down this path and into this discussion and now I’ve dragged you along for the ride.

I believe an another reason why we humans do this is because we have the ability to Hope. Again, something I think only humans are capable of. ( I could be wrong, my dog has very hopeful eyes when it’s dinner time) We hope that this time we can change that one factor and get it right this time. Or that this time there is a, "I won’t get sidetracked by the Christmas party" or a  "I hope this new plan has more fast food options I like than the last one did" in place. Yes, both are personal experience.  But it comes down to the fact that hope is a powerful emotion. It can cause miracles, move mountains, heal sick, there is no end to the power of hope, IF, and I emphasize IF,  you believe in hope. Ahh...there’s the catch, you have to believe. And with that beliefs comes understanding. A deep understanding of where that hope really comes from and where you fit into the picture. That can leave you kind of stunned.
Which leads me to my last point, FEAR.  Change can be scary.  Most people don’t like to be scared. Yes, some of us enjoy a scary movie or a hunted house but I’m not talking about that. I’m taking about real life scary. "Phone calls in the middle of the night scared.", “They were right here a minute ago!”, scared. Those are the scared’s I’m talking about. None of us like that. We do the best we can to avoid things like that in our lives.  That fear has translated it’s way into our (MY) relationship with food and made me overly cautious, reluctant to change. I am not a newbie to the diet scene. I know how something like this works, therefor I know what kind of reaction I can expect, so I will not be surprised. No surprises- no fear. No fear- life is good.......... Wait-life's not good- I’m still fat-  I need to change –Argggg....................You can see my dilemma. I’m caught in this vicious circle.  Thus this brings me back to my original statement.
“If you want different results, do something different.”

It is only through change that we see growth. It is the belief in the ones power to change that allows them to not be afraid to change.  So do I regret eating all those calories on my anniversary. No, not really.  Next time, I will make different choices and I will not regret those either.

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