Thursday, July 19, 2012

I’m trying. Really I am.

I have never been a fan of breakfast food. As a kid I would try to convince my mother that a hamburger contained the same nutritional value found in a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice. I don’t think she bought it. Mom was a pretty  smart cookie.  Over the years I've struggled with the idea of the morning meal, but the thought of food so early is just difficult. I have found a couple of yogurt flavors I like, but seriously, they really expect me to eat this every day for the rest of my life? I might just go mad! I mean, come on, man! There has to be more to life than yogurt!..
Okay... Sorry... I’m better now. I know, I know, There are other things. I just need to look for them, and I have found a few.  When I feel like making a mess, I make a bowl of grits with a sunny side-up egg. Now that’s good eatin' for sure and its only about 250 calories, so that’s not bad either, gotta like grits and, for some odd reason that I don’t quite understand, not everybody likes grits. I can’t quite wrap my brain around that one just yet. I have also tried different boxed cereals in the past, always hoping (there’s that hope thing again) that I will find that one that is just right. You know, the perfect cereal. It should be good for you but not taste like cardboard. It should be able to sit in the milk long enough to eat all of it without it getting soggy and gross. And, most importantly, it should not turn the milk a funny color. Also a cool prize would be a bonus. (I’m just saying.)                         
I tried a different cereal today. This one could have sat in the milk until lunch and would have still been crispy. That might be a bit over crunchy, even for me, if you know what I mean.

I know that I need to eat something every morning. After all, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” (By the way, that’s not true. We’ll discuss that at a later time) So until someone comes up with breakfast sushi, it looks like I’m stuck with my yogurt and the occasional grit party.
Yee Haw!

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