Saturday, July 21, 2012

Levels of Loss

I lost six pounds this week. Well, really it wasn’t just this week - I guess you would say it was over the past three weeks. That’s what - about two pounds a week? Not bad. I’ll take that. If I can keep that up (for a long time) I’ll be happy. The trick is figuring out what I did over the last three weeks that caused the loss and repeating it.  I’m guessing it’s not the 1000 calorie lunch at Five Guys Burgers. (Darn!) Still, six pounds is definitely a happy loss.

I lost a fingernail this week. Don’t worry - it didn’t hurt that much. I wear acrylic nails. The woman who does my nails is a brilliant and talented lady. She has made my hands into works of art for the past six or seven years. She knows me well enough to know that I’m a putz who will, without a doubt, break a nail at least once a month and not even realize it until someone points it out to me. Which is just what happened. It was a small and unexpected loss.

Most importantly, I lost a friend this week. It sounds kinda funny when you say it like that, doesn’t it?  Like, “Where’s Anita? She was here a minute ago . . . it was your turn to watch her.”  Not that, but in the, “She beat me to heaven.” way. I’ll miss her. She was a cool lady, with lots of spunk. She always smiled, always hugged, and seemed to enjoy every day as it came. She was the kind of person that made you feel good just being around. She will be missed. A loss that is both happy and sad.

I guess that as I go through life, I will have many more “Losses” to deal with - and that’s okay. It is what it is. I need to remember my friend Anita, and smile at the problem until it gets confused and leaves you alone because it thinks you’re crazy.  :-)

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