Wednesday, July 18, 2012


                    "To sleep, perchance to dream-
                    ay, there's the rub."

                    Hamlet (III, i, 65-68

Do you remember when you were in a little younger, oh say a few years ago, when you would have the chance to sleep in late there and was nothing that could get you out of that wonderful bed until noon, if then? Well those days are gone my friend, they are gone.

As we all know, sleep is an essential part of our lives, right? Yes, of course, but how much, when, where or even how has always been up for debate. I once met a guy in Cincinnati that swore he only sleep once or twice a week for a few hours at a time. He said the feeling help inspire his painting. (uh-okay) That was over twenty years ago and I've never hear of him since so I guess it didn't work so well for him.

There are several studies that tell me the best position to sleep in or how to get the best sleep. I can buy books on techniques to clear my mind so that my rest can be even more productive. I can even find books that will interpret my dreams, (let's not go there......yet) but nothing is going to change the fact that my body is going to take over and wake me up when it darn well wants to.

It's really a race between the cats and my bladder as to who get me up first in my house. I would have to say that bladder is in the lead by at least a 4 to 1 margin. Sometimes she come to me in a dream. In a stage way I find this kind of endearing. I'm usually lost or trapped in some fantastical, weird piece of architecture and am trying to find a bathroom, of-course. When the kitten wants me up it starts with the stare, followed by the paw, then the meow. Not the Cat. When she want me up it's all 20lbs in my face, purring and licking. She's not known for her subtlety. Sometime the cats and bladder team up. In my opinion, this is so unfair, that's three against one.

I guess I should look at the bright side of this. I have two cats that need me. My sub-conscience seems to be processing information fairly well. Oh yea, and I've proven that I can read.

I know that getting older is a process of changes and that change is inevitable. I don't mind change. I just think it should not always have to be so darned inconvenient!

Parting words of advice ladies:  Practice your Kegel Exercises!!!

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